About - more info on LinkedIn

I am a post-doc in the Grephe team at Laplace, advised by Richard Fournier and Stéphane Blanco. I am associated to the Storm team at IRIT, collaborating with Mathias Paulin. My research is in Computer Graphics, at the interface with Physics, focusing on the use of Monte-Carlo methods to solve coupled physics problems in a single path-space. During my previous post-doc at IRIT with Nicolas Mellado and Mathias Paulin, I worked on two different couplings : 1/ radiative transfer and spectroscopy in the context of the ANR MCG-Rad project, and 2/ heat transfer which couples conduction, convection and radiative transfer.

I defended my Ph.D. thesis in December 2021, advised by Romain Pacanowski and Pascal Barla at LP2N, about the inverse design of layered material appearance in the context of geometric optics. This work was part of the ANR VIDA project, and partly conducted at Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest in the Manao team.

Research - subset of publications, full list here

Spectrally refined unbiased Monte Carlo estimate of the Earth's global radiative cooling

PNAS 2024

Paper      Supp. PDF      Editor's page

Coupling Conduction, Convection and Radiative Transfer in a Single Path-Space: Application to Infrared Rendering


Paper      Supp. PDF      Editor's page      HAL

An Inverse Method for the Exploration of Layered Material Appearance


Paper      Supp. PDF      Code      Talks      Editor's page      HAL